NJASCD Whole Child Conference
Join NJASCD at the 6th annual Whole Child Conference on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at the FEA Conference Centre (12 Centre Dr., Monroe Twp., NJ)!

NJASCD South Meet and Mingle
Register here: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ek9iyicn77b2b7be&oseq=&c=&ch=

NJASCS South CAP and TIP Plans Workshop
In this session we will discuss when to use memos, CAPs or TIPs and how to implement them to meet your goals and needs

NJASCD South Supporting ML Students Workshop
Utilizing tips and technology to support Multi-Language learners

NJASCD North Aspiring Leaders Workshop
Are you looking for a position in administration? Are you finishing up a graduate program in educational leadership and want to know what comes next? Participants will take part in 3 sessions, including resume tips and review, a panel discussion from current administrators, and mock interviews. Our panelists and presenters are all current administrators from throughout New Jersey. Presenters will review participants’ resumes during sessions and receive individualized feedback. Join NJASCD North for an aspiring administrator workshop on Saturday, January 20, 2024 from 9:00 - 1:30 PM. This event will be held virtually and is open to any aspiring educational administrators. For more information and to register, please go to: https://www.njascd.org/north

NJASCD South Meet and Mingle
Join NJASCD South for a meet and mingle with other current or aspiring educational leaders at Filomena Blackwood on Friday, January 19, 2024 at 5:00 PM.

NJASCD South Educator Evaluation and Feedback Workshop
Review the particulars of AchieveNJ (educator evaluation), learn ways to streamline processes, and access exemplars of key feedback

NJASCD North Networking Event
Join NJASCD North at Revolution in Morristown, NJ on Thursday, December 14, 2023 from 4:30 - 6:30 PM for this networking event. It’s free to attend!

NJASCD Early Career Administrator Network
The NJASCD Early Career Administrator Network (ECAN) is a group of school administrators within their first 5 years of administration. ECAN aims to bring together administrators from around the state to support them in their positions in educational leadership. The group will meet in-person and virtually at various points of the year. Veteran administrators will support the group in leading discussions and sharing experiences to support group participants. Join us as we come together to discuss our successes and challenges as we navigate our new positions. Membership in the group is flexible. No commitment required.
Price: FREE for NJASCD members
Not a current NJASCD member or unsure? Please inquire for current membership status or how to sign up to be a member today. Sign up to be on the email list HERE.

Early Childhood Summit
Join NJASCD at its annual Early Childhood Conference on November 28, 2023 at the NJPSA/FEA Conference Center in Monroe Township, NJ for a great day of learning!

NJASCD North Networking Event
Join NJASCD North at Project PUB in Somerville, NJ on Wednesday, November 8th for an informal gathering with other aspiring or current administrators to share ideas, meet new people, connect and relax with food and drinks.

NJASCD Central Meet and Greet
Join NJASCD Central’s educators and leaders, primarily from Monmouth, Ocean, Mercer, and Middlesex Counties, for a meet and greet and learn how you might like to become involved in the organization! Time/location are TBD.

NJASCD Networking Event
Join NJASCD for a networking event at the Borgota Wine Bar in Atlantic City, NJ on October 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM! Register here: https://tinyurl.com/NJASCDConf2023

NJPSA/NJASCD/FEA Fall Conference
The 2023 NJPSA/FEA/NJASCD Fall Conference - Making Excellence Happen - will be held at Borgata in Atlantic City on Wednesday, Oct. 11 for Assistant and Vice Principals, and Thursday, Oct. 12 and Friday, Oct. 13 for all educational leaders. Captivating keynotes by Principal Baruti Kafele, Shawn Ginwright, Ph.D., and Mae Jemison, M.D. plus dozens of engaging professional learning sessions will be featured.
NJASCD North Networking Event
Join NJASCD North for a networking event on Thursday, September 28th at 4:30 PM at Project PUB in Somerville, NJ!